License ASD 08-4627



Here you can find some

useful information about our

escort service and how it works

Choose an escort lady of your dreams

Please visit our escort model gallery, look at the profiles of different models and choose which escort lady makes your heart beat faster. After that please contact us by calling to  or emailing to  or making a reservation through the booking form online.


By making a reservation, you have to provide to us some truthful information about yourself, such as your name, phone number and the place of your location where the booking will take place.

Please don’t worry, we guarantee and promise to you that we will never misuse your private details. We always treat the private information of our clients very discreet, and we will never call you unnecessary.

Genuine pictures

All pictures of our escort models on our website are recent and genuine. We do cover the faces of our escort models because all of them have daily jobs or studies. Our models are working in escort business only part-time, and it’s not their main profession.

So, it’s very important for our ladies that nobody from their private circles such as family, colleagues or co-students will recognize them, since people might judge and make their future life or career difficult to fulfill. Pity enough, not everybody is naughty and open-minded. For the same privacy reasons the tattoos are retouched, because normally these are personal pictures which are well-known by family members.

We put a lot of effort in organizing the photoshoots, that is why our pictures are of a high quality. What you see on the photo, is what you get in your room! We always send you the lady from the picture. To make sure it’s her, ask to wear a lingerie/dress from the picture! If she has not washed it in hot water, she should still have it in her wardrobe and will wear it for you.


We will let you know whether the escort companion of your choice is available at the desired day and time. If she is not available then, we will provide you the availability of other escort models with the same features as your first choice.

You can also provide us several names of escort ladies of your interest, so that we can give you few options.

Charges & No Suprises

After agreeing about your date, we will let you know the final price of the booking.

It will never be a “surprise” how much you should pay, and no extra hidden charges will be applied. Please note that outside of Amsterdam the traveling expenses will be charged.

Let us know the services you would like to get, so that we can let you know the total fee.

Also the method of payment is relevant, because by credit card payment you will be charged 10% extra.

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Discreet Arrival

Our ladies will visit you at your hotel or at private address. Please note that many hotels have an elevator card system, so the escort companion has to register herself at the reception.

If you want to avoid it, you can also meet her in the lobby (however we will still need to know your room number for the safety reasons). We hope you truly enjoy your time with our escort ladies. Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions.


Please let us know some information about yourself, for example what is important for you in an escort companion and what are your expectations of your date, so that we can find the best match for you.

Based on years of experience in matchmaking, we have got a sense of which escort lady could make you feel totally comfortable, excited and like being on a perfect erotic date, considering your fantasies, wishes and desires.

We always do our best to please you and let you enjoy. We love when our clients return to us and leave amazing feedbacks.

Elegancy & Style

Our ladies are always wearing beautiful, elegant, classy clothes such as a cocktail dress or a blouse and a skirt, a beautiful lingerie with stockings and high heels.

If you have your own preferences, please let us know. Our ladies will wear the clothes of your choice. Our escort models never wear flashy or vulgar clothes. So you always can go out with our escort companion to have a drink in a lounge bar or have a dinner date in a trendy restaurant.

We wish you all the best and are looking forward to hear from you!

With love, Taya & Chris

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