Safe Sex
Stay safe,
be healthy,
live long & happy…
Safe Sex means taking precautions to prevent any sexually transmitted infection (STI) spreading from one body to another.
Most STIs (HIV, gonorrhoea, hepatitis) are spread by bodily fluids (semen, blood, vaginal secretions) entering the blood stream of another person. They can enter via cuts and sores, or through the fragile membranes inside the vagina, urethra and anus.
Other STIs (e.g. Herpes, thrush, warts, chlamydia) are spread by actual physical contact of the infected area with the genitals or mouth. Syphylis, crabs, and scabes can be caught from any skin contact.
Sex toys which have been used by other people can spread infections. They need cleaning in bleach before being passed along.

Sex workers are professionals and make it their business to ensure they do not catch or pass on diseases.
This includes all diseases – sexually transmitted infections, diseases of the skin, colds, coughs, flu and any other infection. That is why you should never visit a sex worker if you are at all ill.
Arrive in clean clothes, having bathed and cleaned your teeth.
Sex workers insist on cleanliness. Some will require you to shower on arrival, and some will wash your body as part of an erotic service. Clients and potential clients need to understand that this work provides the sex worker with a livelihood, and catching diseases and becoming ill will disrupt their income as well as their health.
It should be clear that you are far more likely to catch a sexually transmitted infection from someone you pick up in a bar or an amateur than from a professional. The reason for this is that professional sex workers are much more likely than other people to engage in safer sex.
How to use the condom correctly:
Before you put a condom on:
1. Use only certified condoms with CE sign on them.
2. Store condoms in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
3. Check the expiration date on the condom.
4. Tear the condom package carefully — without using your teeth — to open.
5. If the condom looks damaged, discolored, or brittle, do not use.
6. Add a drop of lube inside the condom for extra pleasure.
To put a condom on:
1. With one hand, pinch the tip of the condom to leave room for the ejaculate.
2. With the other hand, roll the condom to the base of the penis or object.
3. Continue using this hand to guide any air bubbles out of the condom.
4. Add lube to the outside of the condom to avoid excess friction that may cause breakage.
5. Did the wrong side of a condom touch the tip of an erect penis? Discard it and get a new one. Those few seconds could contaminate the tip of the condom that goes into the other person and transmit an STI or cause pregnancy. A little semen goes a long way.
After the action:
1. Hold the base of the condom as you pull out to avoid slippage.
2. Remove the condom and throw away in the trash, not the toilet.
3. Did you just have sex 30 minutes ago and want to start round two? Use a fresh condom. It doesn't matter if you didn't even ejaculate or if the condom still fits snug on your penis. For every single sex act, use a new condom.

How to stay safe:
- Use a condom for all oral, vaginal or anal sex. Cover any cuts elsewhere on the body if you are going to play with genitals, or rub, kiss or lick a partner.
- Keep in mind that different diseases can be transmitted to both partners by oral sex. These include gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, herpes, genital warts, parasites, giardia and hepatitis.
- Sex workers have their own supplies of condoms.
- If you have experienced unsafe sex with anyone, visit a Genito-urinary clinic for tests immediately. In fact, everyone who is sexually active should have regular check-ups as many infections have no obvious symptoms.
- Never try to persuade a sex worker (or anyone for that matter) to have unsafe sex with you. This is insulting and dangerous.
- The penis exudes pre-cum before ejaculation, so you need a condom on all the time penetration is taking place.
- Extra strong condoms and enough lube are required for anal sex.
- Use dental dam for protection during oral sex. It can be used as a barrier between mouth and vagina during cunnilingus and also between the mouth and the anus during anilingus. It prevents the transmission of virus-sized particles.
- You don’t need to have sexual intercourse in order to enjoy sex. There are many other exciting things to do, such as playing erotic games, stroking and massage, masturbation and oral sex, watching each other and talking sexy. You may well come away feeling as if you have had a much more exciting time with a sex worker if you spend the time exploring some of these options.
- If you have a Herpes sore, do not make an appointment with a sex worker until you are sure it has gone. If a sore develops before an appointment, cancel it. Never allow a Herpes sore to come into contact with the skin of another person.
- If you have a discharge from the vagina or penis, spots, painful peeing or other symptoms, go to a clinic, refrain from sexual intercourse, and obey the instructions of the clinic.
- Each condom is to be used only once. If it falls off, use another. If the condom falls off or splits during intercourse, you need to use emergency techniques, ask your clinic for advice.
Condoms that are made of animal membrane do not protect you as well as others. Stick to latex or polyurethane, or talk to your doctor about your other options.
Do not try to be extra safe by using more than one condom; this causes extra friction which will make the condoms more likely to break.
Never reuse a condom. If you take the condom off, don’t put it back on again, even if there doesn’t seem to be any fluid.
Never keep a condom in your wallet "just in case". Body heat and pressure will accelerate the breakdown of the condom in the wallet.
Don't put a condom on if the package was already nicked or ripped before use.
Never flush a condom down the toilet, which can cause it to overflow. Having someone remove your used condom from your plumbing is far more embarrassing than wrapping it up and throwing it someplace inconspicuous.
Remember not to mix oil-based lubrication of any kind (not just store-bought) with latex condoms! Any oil-based substance can very quickly weaken latex and make it break. This includes hand lotion, Vaseline, cold cream, baby oil, and even chapstick.
Novelty condoms, such as glow in the dark condoms, might not protect against pregnancy or STD transmission, but flavored, non-novelty ones will. Check the box for details.
If improperly used, a condom offers little protection. Even if properly used, there is a small possibility of pregnancy or transmission of sexually-transmitted diseases.
Do not put a condom on you or your partner's tongue, or in your mouth as a preventative measure during oral sex. To do so could result in asphyxiation and death. The male condom is designed for the penis only.
Mutual masturbation can spread STDs if you get fluids on your hands. This is unlikely but still possible.